Hours of Operation

Monday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Tuesday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Wednesday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Thursday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Saturday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Sunday Closed
Statutory Holidays Closed

Appointments are required.
Tel: 416-461-9471 x 3001
Fax: 416-645-2534

Preparing for your Mammogram

  • Please inform us if you have had a previous mammogram. If it was performed elsewhere, if possible, please bring prior mammograms to your appointment so that our radiologist can report on any changes from last mammogram.
  • Timing: If premenstrual breast tenderness occurs, please schedule an appointment right after menstrual period ends. Try to schedule your mammogram around one week after your menstrual period. This is when breasts are less tender, making the procedure more comfortable.
  • Please do not use perfume or other scented products like deodorant, lotions, or powders on your chest area (due to patients and staff with allergies) on the day of your mammogram as they can affect the accuracy of the mammogram.
  • Wear loose comfortable clothing without metal zippers, buttons or belts.  Metal can interfere with the test results.  We recommend wearing a two-piece outfit, as you will need to undress above the waist and wear a gown.  
  • Please remove items that may interfere with the exam such as jewelry (earrings, necklaces), glasses, removable dental work like dentures (upper spine), button rings (lower spine), nylons, tensor bandages, and splints (unless otherwise advised by your doctor).  
  • Hair – Please keep longer hair tied or pinned up so it iss not in the way of the Technologist.  
  • Please let the Technologist know about any Breast implants you may have.   
  • Please leave valuables at home as we do not have a secure location to store these items.  Do not leave valuables in our changerooms – take them into the testing room with you. 

Appointment Information

  • Referrals from a healthcare provider are required with the exception of Mammograms under the OBSP program.
  • Appointments are required.
  • Call our office at 416-461-9471 Extension 3001 to book an appointment or come in person to book.
  • Bring the Referral Requisition that your doctor gave you if you are not covered by the OBSP program (age 40 and older).
  • Bring your valid Ontario Health card (or, if applicable, other provincial health card).
  • If you do not have a valid Ontario Health card (or other provincial health card), please bring VISA, MasterCard or Debit Card as you will have to pay for the test. Call our office at 416-461-9471 Extension 3001 to book an appointment or come in person to book.
  • Please arrive 15 minutes prior to scheduled appointment time for registration.
  • If you are late for more than half of your scheduled appointment, you may be re-booked to another date.
  • If you are unable to keep your appointment, please give at least 24 hours notification.