Always make sure that we have your most up-to-date contact information, phone numbers, email address, and mailing address and that your voicemail is working. Please know that when we ask for your Health Card, it doesn’t give us any of your updated demographic information.
We ask you for your email address and ask you to specifically consent to us using your email to communicate with you. While we use a secure encrypted email system, there are still risks in using email especially if we do not have your most current up to date email address.
We use email to send you appointment reminders and confirmations, messages from your doctor including any questionnaires that are required before your visit. The Clinic will also use email to send you general information about changes to our hours of operation, clinic closures, or other health related information.
Phone Calls
Depending on the nature, sensitivity and importance of the message, we may attempt to reach you through the various phone numbers you have provided and in some cases, we may attempt to reach you through your emergency contact. We will record which phone number you prefer to be reached at. When you call us or if we call you, we will always ask a few questions to make sure that we are speaking with you.
If we cannot reach directly on the phone and if you have voicemail activated on your phone number, we may be required to leave messages on your voicemail (such as appointment confirmations/reminders, the time and place of a specialist referral or to notify you to book a follow-up appointment.
We will, however, leave only very general information (a first name and a phone number) on your voicemail unless you have specifically consented to us that we can leave a voicemail. Even if you have given us consent to leave a voicemail, we will not leave detailed personal health information like test results on your voicemail.
Please ensure that you keep our records up to date with the phone numbers that you have. We ask you to tell us the phone numbers that we may leave voicemails on. If you have a shared voicemail box/answering machine and you are expecting a phone call from us, please make sure to check with anyone who has access to the shared voicemail/answering machine regarding any messages from the Clinic.
If we need to reach you and we have tried to send an email or if we have tried to call you, left voicemails and still have been unable to make contact with you, we will send you a letter in the mail.