How do I get a copy of my medical record?
All requests must be made in writing by completing the Request to Access Medical Records form and must include:
- Prepayment Consent directed to the Albany Medical Clinic
- Patient name and date of birth
- Original signature of patient, substitute decision maker (SDM) or legal representative
- Date of authorization (within 120 days of request)
- Original witnessed authorization (signature of person verifying that the patient or SDM did in fact sign the authorization)
- Name of recipient (person or company to whom the information may be disclosed to)
Once we receive a copy of your request, our Records and Accounts Departments will review your request and confirm with you the cost to meet your request. The cost will depend on the size of the records being requested. Records will not be released until payment is received.
In certain situations, we may not provide a patient with access to all or part of a health record.
Exceptions to the right of access requirement must be in accordance with law and professional standards.
We have an obligation to correct personal health information if it is inaccurate or incomplete for the purposes it is to be used or disclosed. Patients may request that their health information be corrected if it is inaccurate or incomplete. Such requests must be made in writing using the Request to Amend or Correct Personal Health Information form
In accordance with the “Personal Health Information Protection Act” PHIPA, the Albany Medical Clinic has up to 30 days to process a request once we have received a request with a valid consent and a prepayment fee (where applicable). If the request cannot be completed within 30 days, we will contact you to explain the reason for delay.
There is no fee for information given to other health care facilities or physicians for continuity of patient care.
How do I request copies of records for a deceased patient?
We verify the identity of the estate trustee by reviewing a will or the notarized “Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee with a Will” or “Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee without a Will”. A copy of this documentation must be scanned into the health record of the deceased patient.
If the deceased patient does not have an estate trustee, consent can be obtained from the person who has assumed responsibility for the administration of the deceased person’s estate using the form “Attestation of Estate Trustee or Estate Administrator under PHIPA” Form.
I’m 16 years old. If my parents ask for my medical records – what happens?
We consider patients aged 16 and over to be ‘capable’ (ABLE to understand the information that is relevant to making a decision about the treatment (or information decision) AND ABLE to appreciate the reasonably foreseeable consequences of the decision or lack of decision). If your parent calls and asks for your medical information, we will advise the parent that we need to get consent you.
What if a patient is not ‘capable’? My mom has dementia. Who makes medical decisions and has access to their medical information?
If a patient is not deemed ‘capable’ of making medical decisions, our family doctor will ask if there is a substitute decision maker (SDM) who wishes to be named on the patient chart. To become the SDM, you will need to complete our form – Request to Add Substitute Decision Maker. We will need documentation to support the request like a Power of Attorney – Medical.