Step 1. Fill in the New Patient Registration form and send it to us.  Once received, we will add you to our new patient wait lists.

Step 2. If we have family doctors accepting patients, we use our wait lists to book new patients into a family doctor schedule.  If you are within our catchment area, we’ll contact you to ask you for more information (including asking you for your OHIP number) and we will book you into a new patient intake appointment (a “meet and greet” appointment).

Completing the forms is the first step to become a patient of one of the family physicians at the Albany Medical Clinic; you do not automatically or immediately become a patient.

You will be added to our wait lists depending on the preference you indicated in the New Patient Registration Form – ‘first available doctor’, ‘male’, ‘female’. 

Next, you’ll be invited to have an intake appointment.

At the end of that appointment, should you decide to proceed, is when you will become a patient.

Because receiving health care consistently from one primary care provider is the best health care for you as a patient, and, seeing your family doctor in person at least once a year is good health care, we know that geographically being closer to your family doctor makes this happen more easily.  As demand for family physicians continues to be extremely high throughout Ontario, we do prioritize individuals who live in the surrounding community.

No. If you currently have a family doctor, please register with us only if you intend to transfer your medical care from your current family physician (i.e. leave your current family physician).

No. It is not an option to switch physicians after you have had your new patient intake appointment.  Please see our Clinic Policies – Switching Physicians. 

Yes. The New Patient Registration form has space for you to add additional family members.