Non-Urgent Medical Concerns

In general, almost all new medical concerns require an appointment for assessment. If your concern does not fall under (or near) the lists above, you can likely book a non-urgent appointment with your physician.   Examples of when to book a non-urgent appointment:

  • Medical symptoms that have already been present for several weeks or longer, and have not changed
  • If you think you have a non-urgent concern that might require an appointment with a specialist
  • Renewing long standing medications (e.g. blood pressure medications, birth control etc.) – your pharmacist can also renew your medications for a limited time so that you don’t run out before you see your doctor. Have your pharmacist send your family doctor a message or a fax.
  • Work note requests and other paperwork requests
  • Requests for sexually transmitted infection screening if you have no symptoms or concerns
  • Preventative care (Pap tests, preventative health checks, etc)

If you want non-emergency medical advice, you are always free to call Telehealth Ontario.  A Registered Nurse is able to take your call 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  Please keep in mind that Telehealth Ontario does not have access to your medical records.