Electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG)


Monday to Friday – 9 AM to 5:30 PM
Holidays: Closed

Tel: (416) 461-9471 x2320


An electrocardiogram is a non-invasive test that records the electrical activity of the heart. The electrical activity is related to the impulses that travel through the heart that determines the heart’s rate and rhythm. Electrodes are placed on the chest, arms and legs. The test takes about five to ten minutes.

This test will help the doctor to evaluate the patient’s cardiac condition by answering the following:

  • Is there a decreased supply of blood and oxygen to the heart?
  • Has a heart attack occurred?
  • What part of the heart was damaged?
  • Are there are any irregular heartbeats or rhythm?

Patient Preparation

Appointments are necessary.

What you need to do before your appointment:

  • Bring any documentation your family doctor gave you including the referral requisition.
  • Bring your provincial health card.

